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Get your Network in “Check”

Know your Network. Know your Upstream Provider, and Ensure FCC Compliance! RoboCheck® is an advanced automated AI Driven honeypot system designed for monitoring robocalls. It is assigned thousands of telephones numbers and operates in a passive, yet vigilant, manner. If the incoming call is authenticated using the STIR/SHAKEN protocol, RoboCheck® efficiently captures and stores the associated signature. RoboCheck® lets you know what’s on your network and you’re existing and potential upstream carriers’ network.

Minimize Tracebacks & Ensure FCC Compliance

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What is RoboCheck®?

RoboCheck® is an advanced automated AI robocall monitoring system. Daily, the RoboCheck® Network is allocated thousands of quarantine telephone numbers. Operating discreetly, RoboCheck® patiently waits for incoming calls. When a call is received, the RoboCheck® system answers and engages with the caller, who may be either an automated robocaller or an actual person. The system records and transcribes the conversation. Furthermore, if a telecom provider authenticates the call using the STIR/SHAKEN protocol, RoboCheck® captures and stores that signature.
Handling tens of thousands of calls each day, RoboCheck® utilizes keywords and various metrics, including matching campaigns to known Traceback and SCAM Campaigns. This assists providers in identifying potential issues on their network, aiding in the prevention and cessation of high-volume illegal robocalls.
Which Version is Right for Me?
To determine which RoboCheck® product is right for you, it's essential to consider your specific needs and requirements. Here's a brief overview of what you will find in different 'Versions' of RoboCheck®, which could help you decide:
RoboCheck® KYN
Know your Network
Suitable for
Small Service Providers
Service providers can precisely identify potentially suspicious calls traversing their network using the RoboCheck® Portal. This information allows you to promptly investigate and take necessary action where needed.
Reduce Tracebacks and Legal issues
RoboCheck® KYC
Know your Customer
Suitable for
Medium to Large Service Providers
Service providers can precisely identify potentially suspicious calls traversing their network using the RoboCheck® Portal. This information allows you to promptly investigate and take necessary action where needed.
Know Your Upstream Carrier
RoboCheck® KYC enables you to review STIR/SHAKEN Certificate Report Cards and honeypots of both existing and prospective clients. Gain insights into your customers' network, and proactively address any issues in alignment with your company's policies.
Reduce Tracebacks and Legal issues
“RoboCheck® KYC stands out as one of the few solutions available that empowers you to thoroughly understand your Upstream Providers and maintain compliance with the latest regulations set by the FCC.”
RoboCheck® Compliance
Nationwide Access
Suitable for
Private enterprises
Regulators and enforcers
Consumer advocates and the press
Brand Management
Private businesses, such as banks, hotels, and retailers, can use RoboCheck® to detect potential misuse of their brands and trademarks. This enables them to proactively alert their customers and engage with the signers and non-signers to take suitable mitigative actions.
Robocall Trends
Stay informed in near real-time about the ever-evolving landscape of robocalling, including emerging calling categories (campaigns and tactics), as well as the providers that consistently appear or newly emerge as facilitators.
Identify Potential Non-Compliant Calling
Stay informed in near real-time about the ever-evolving landscape of robocalling, including emerging calling categories (campaigns and tactics), as well as the providers that consistently appear or newly emerge as facilitators.
RoboCheck® Features
Robocall & Live Agent
All honeypots have been categorized into two distinct groups: Robocall and Live Agent.
Campaigns Reports
View a comprehensive traffic analysis, segmented and available 24/7.
Nationwide Certificate Honeypots
With RoboCheck® KYC, you have the capability to view and listen to all STIR/SHAKEN Honeypots.
Known Traceback
Be informed if the campaign is known to produce tracebacks!
Access Recordings
Access and listen to any honeypot recording directly within your Mission Control Portal.
Receive email notifications when a potentially illegal call has utilized your Certificate.

Know your Network

Best for Small STIR/SHAKEN Carriers.
Per Month
Book a Demo
Access to your Certificate
Traffic Analysis
TCPA Violation Reports
Call-Back Number Reports
Email Alerts/Notifications

Know your Customer

Best for Medium & Large STIR/SHAKEN Carriers & CLECS.
Per Month
Book a Demo
Access to your Certificate
Traffic Analysis
TCPA Violation Reports
Call-Back Number Reports
Email Alerts/Notifications
KYC Extras - Nationwide Access
Certificate Report Cards
Certificate Overview Reports
All STIR/SHAKEN Honeypots **
STIR/SHAKEN Traffic Reports
**ANI & DNIS columns are redacted for "Non-Account" Certificates.
Nationwide Access

RoboCheck® Compliance

Best for Government & Enterprise
Per Month
Book a Demo
*12 Month Minimum Contract
Whats Included
Complete Unfiltered Access
Certificate Report Cards
Certificate Overview Reports
STIR/SHAKEN Honeypot Access
STIR/SHAKEN Traffic Analysis
Non-Attested Honeypot Access
Non-Attested Traffic Analysis
Email Alerts, Including Keyword Matching
Nationwide Robocall Trend Reports

Real-Time RoboCheck® Network Statistics

Potential “illegal” Honeypots
Potential Traceback Honeypots
Potential Scam Honeypots
STIR/SHAKEN Certificates
Last Honeypot Received
1 Minute